OUTSIDE CONDITIONS AT 9:47a, 10/03/24 AT 840 ft
WIND (Mph)
SUN (W/m)
Current: 1.0
Current: 47.6
Solar Rad: 257
Current: 30.096
10-min avg: 2.0
Feels like: 47.6
UV: 0.5
3-hr trend: Falling Slowly
10-min high: 4.0
High – Low: 47.7 – 40.0
RAIN (In.)
High today: 10.0
High (month): 67.1
Today: 0.00
Sunrise: 7:10a
Sector: SSE
Low (month): 40.0
Year: 0.03
Sunset: 6:41p
Phase: New Moon
Current: Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours Windy.
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